Plastic Ocean- A Story to Tell on World Environment Day

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Luna and Her Family

Part 1: Luna’s Adventure

Luna was a young sea otter who lived in the Pacific Ocean with her mother Pearl. She loved to swim in the kelp forests and play with her friends, such as Flora, a sea star, and Finn, a sea lion. She was curious and adventurous, always looking for new things to see and learn.

One day, she saw something shiny and bright floating on the surface of the water. She swam closer to investigate, thinking it might be a treasure or a toy. She reached out her paw to touch it, but as soon as she did, she felt a sharp pain. She looked at her paw and saw blood. She had cut herself on a plastic fork.

She quickly swam away from the object, feeling scared and confused. She looked around and saw more plastic items scattered around the ocean: bags, bottles, straws, nets, and more. She wondered where they came from and why they were there. She decided to ask her mother about them.

Part 2: Pearl’s Wisdom

Pearl was a protective and cautious sea otter who had lost her mate and most of her pups to a shark attack. She was very worried about Luna’s safety and always warned her to stay away from danger. She was not happy when she saw Luna’s injured paw and the plastic items around her.

She told Luna that these were human-made things that did not belong in the ocean. She said that humans used them for various purposes, but then threw them away without caring about where they ended up. She said that these things were called plastic, and that they were very harmful to marine life.

plastic polluted ocean

She explained that plastic could entangle, injure, suffocate, or kill marine animals, such as turtles, dolphins, seals, sharks, and birds. She said that plastic could also be eaten by marine animals, either on purpose or by mistake, causing internal damage, starvation, or poisoning. She said that plastic could also transport harmful chemicals or invaders that could disrupt marine ecosystems and biodiversity. She said that plastic could also degrade into microplastics, which were tiny plastic fragments less than 5 mm in size. Microplastics could be ingested by plankton, fish, shellfish, and other marine organisms, accumulating in their tissues and organs. She said that these microplastics could also affect human health and food security.

Part 3: Pearl’s Hope

She told Luna that plastic pollution was a global problem that required global solutions. She said that humans needed to stop using so much plastic and start using alternatives that were biodegradable, compostable, or reusable. She said that humans also needed to dispose of their plastic waste properly and not litter. She said that humans also needed to recycle their plastic items and support the development of recycled or biobased plastics.

She told Luna that she hoped that humans would realize the damage they were causing to the ocean and its inhabitants. She said that she hoped that humans would change their behavior and attitude towards plastic. She said that she hoped that humans would act now before it was too late.

She hugged Luna and told her that she loved her very much. She told her that she wanted her to grow up in a healthy and beautiful ocean. She told her that she wanted her to have a bright and happy future.

Luna’s Dream

Luna hugged her mother back and told her that she loved her too. She told her that she understood the danger of plastic pollution and wanted to help stop it. She told her that she wanted to spread the word to her friends and other marine animals. She told her that she wanted to be part of the solution.

She looked at the plastic fork that had hurt her and felt angry and sad. She wished that humans would stop making such things and throwing them into the ocean. She wished that humans would care more about the ocean and its life.

She looked at her mother and felt hopeful and determined. She knew that she was not alone in this fight. She knew that there were many others who shared her vision and passion. She knew that together they could make a difference.

She looked at the ocean and felt awe and gratitude. She loved the ocean with all her heart. She loved its beauty, its diversity, its mystery. She loved her home.

She smiled and swam away with her mother, ready to face the challenges ahead.

She was Luna.

And this was her story.

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