Lessons I’ve Learned From Big Winner Oscar 2023

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I watched the movie “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once”, which is the big winner Oscar 2023, and it left me feeling emotional and introspective.

(spoiler alert)

The film follows a woman named Ling, played by Michelle Yeoh, as she discovers that she is a multiverse-hopping warrior tasked with saving countless versions of herself and the universe itself.

As the movie unfolds, Ling confronts versions of herself that she never knew existed, grapples with the weight of her responsibilities, and ultimately learns to accept all aspects of herself. Watching her journey, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own life and the lessons I’ve learned.

One of the biggest takeaways for me was the importance of self-acceptance. Ling is forced to confront versions of herself that she may not like or agree with, but ultimately realizes that every aspect of herself is valid and worthy of love. This resonated with me, as I’ve struggled with self-doubt and insecurity in the past. Learning to accept all parts of myself, even the ones I’m not proud of, has been a vital step in my journey toward self-love and inner peace.

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Another lesson from the movie is to embrace the present moment and to be open to new experiences. To apply this lesson, you could try something new that you’ve always wanted to do but have been putting off. For example, if you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, sign up for a class or download a language learning app. Or, if you’ve been wanting to try a new hobby, such as painting or cooking, set aside time to give it a try.

Finally, “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once” reminded me of how everything is interconnected. Ling’s journey takes her to different universes and versions of herself, but she ultimately realizes that all of these versions are connected and part of a larger whole. This idea of interconnectedness is a powerful one, as it reminds us that we are all connected and have the power to impact each other’s lives in profound ways.

In conclusion, “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once” is a powerful and emotional film that left me with a renewed sense of self-discovery and acceptance. Ling’s journey is a reminder that we are all on our own journeys, but that we can learn from each other and support one another along the way.

Bonus tips.

Movies can provide a lot of inspiration and life lessons. Here are some tips on how to extract the lesson from any film:

  • Look for key moments: Pay attention to pivotal moments in the movie that illustrate the theme or message. These may be subtle or obvious.
  • Analyze the characters: Consider how the characters in the movie represent different perspectives or embody different values. Look for how their actions and choices contribute to the overall message of the movie.
  • Reflect on personal experiences: Think about how the movie relates to your own experiences and values. Consider how you can apply the lessons from the movie to your own life.
  • Discuss with others: Talk about the movie with others to gain different perspectives and interpretations. This can help deepen your understanding of the movie and its lessons.

By following these tips, you can find valuable lessons and insights from any movie.

Hope you found this post inspiring!

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