How to Start a Blog in 2023

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I am writing from the place where my heart and my passion come together: my blog. Let me tell you something. Starting a blog is about more than simply creating content; it’s about discovering yourself, your voice, and even making money from your writing.

I started my blog a few months back, and let me tell you, there were so many things that I wish I had known before hitting the publish button. Yet, thankfully, you don’t have to repeat my mistakes. You can learn from my experiences and start your blog on the right foot.

Building Website

First of all, you must identify your niche or area of interest. Much of the advise is like this. But forget about it.

I wasted a ton of time trying to find my niche but got nothing and it holding me back from starting blog right now. Blogs can be personal or professional; for example, I run an personal blog and write about “How to Start a Blog in 2023”. So you may write about everything you want at first, and eventually your audience will drive you to a specific niche.

As a result, the first step is to devote one week to learning about the blogging platform and hosting.

  • Blogging platform:  I choose WordPress platform because of its flexibility and ease of use. It’s also a great platform for SEO, which is important if you want your blog to be discovered by new readers.
  • Hosting: I definitely recommend checking out Host Stinger (get 20% off for my lovely followers) if you’re just starting out or have a smaller blog and a tight budget . However, I always share the greatest discounts to my audiences; Currently, Top Cashback is offering 42% discount. Simply create a free Top Cashback account to access the discount.

If you have a vast budget you may start with Squarespace – they’re simple to use and have excellent support teams if you need help along the way

Giving Content

Giving content in a blog is no easy feat.

I have poured my heart out into my blog. I have shared moments of intense sadness, joy, and everything in between. I have written about my fears and insecurities, my hopes and dreams. And through it all, I have found so much support and love. People who have never met me, who live on different continents, have been touched by my writings. They have reached out to me and thanked me for sharing my story, for reminding them that they are not alone, for inspiring them to keep going.

You are welcome to copy my receipt and don’t forget to add visuals, links, and keywords to make your blog SEO friendly.

Don’t worry about how many followers you have or how many views your blog is getting. Blogging is a journey, and it takes time to build a community of readers who appreciate your work. Just enjoy the process, and never forget why you started your blog in the first place.

Promoting Blog

Promoting your blog on social media is an important part of growing your audience. You can use social media to share posts, engage with readers and build relationships that will help you grow your audience.

The best platforms for promoting a blog are Facebook and Instagram because they have the highest engagement rates among all other platforms. However, if you don’t have a large following on these platforms yet then it’s better to start with Twitter since it has fewer users but still allows you to reach people who might be interested in what you’re writing about.

Bonus tips:

  • Share links from other websites as well as original content from yours (make sure they’re relevant though). This will help increase traffic even more because people will see how much effort goes into creating quality content before visiting another website.
  • Use hashtags when posting links so other users can find them easier.
  • Reply back whenever someone comments on one of your posts – this shows them that their opinion matters which encourages others do the same thing too!

Monetizing Blog

Finally, if you want to turn your blog into a business, you’ll need to monetize it. This can be done through affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and selling your own products or services.

There are many different ways you can go about it, let’s take a look at the methods that I applied and how they work.

  • Affiliate marketing: This involves promoting products or services on your site in exchange for commission. For example, if you post an article about how much better Amazon Prime Video is than Netflix (spoiler alert: it is), then an affiliate link could appear in the sidebar that links directly back to Amazon Prime Video’s website where people can sign up for their free trial or buy the service outright if they like what they see. You’ll get paid when someone clicks on this link and signs up for their free trial or buys something else from them later down the line–and there are plenty of other ways besides just buying stuff online!
    • Amazon Associates – make money recommending products from the biggest online store.
    • Shareasale – earn a commission when visitors follow your direct link to a product or webpage and then make a purchase.
  • Banner ads: These are advertisements that appear along side articles on other sites with links back over here where we can earn money from advertisers who pay us based upon how many times someone clicks those banners before leaving our site altogether (or maybe even making purchases). We also get paid when people click through these banners without ever visiting our site first; however these types tend not work very well unless we have high traffic numbers already established beforehand.
    • AdSense – Googles Ad network – one of the most used monetization strategies for bloggers. Make sure your site follows the AdSense Program Policies


Starting a blog is an emotional journey, but it’s also an incredibly rewarding one. It will push you out of your comfort zone, help you grow your skills and broaden your knowledge. If you’re passionate about something, don’t keep it to yourself. Start your blog today, and let the world hear your voice.

Hope you found this post inspiring!

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NOTE: many of the links on this page are affiliate links and will earn Theshadetoday a small commission if you signup to the services. This adds no cost to you but helps keep Theshadetoday sustainable. It’s also worth noting that almost all resources mentioned on this page are resources that I’m a signed up, paid up and regular user of.

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