• How to Start a Blog in 2023

    How to Start a Blog in 2023

    I am writing from the place where my heart and my passion come together: my blog. Let me tell you something. Starting a blog is about more than simply creating content; it’s about discovering yourself, your voice, and even making money from your writing. I started my blog a few months back, and let me […]

  • Advice for Remote Work-Life Balance

    Advice for Remote Work-Life Balance

    Hi, how’s your shade today? As someone who has been working remotely for the past two years, I understand the struggles and joys of this lifestyle. When I first started, I was pleased about the freedom and flexibility that came with working from home. But as time went on, I realized that it wasn’t always […]

  • Lessons I’ve Learned From Big Winner Oscar 2023

    Lessons I’ve Learned From Big Winner Oscar 2023

    Hi, how’s your shade today? I watched the movie “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once”, which is the big winner Oscar 2023, and it left me feeling emotional and introspective. (spoiler alert) The film follows a woman named Ling, played by Michelle Yeoh, as she discovers that she is a multiverse-hopping warrior tasked with saving countless […]

  • How to Save Money for Self-Sufficiency Life

    How to Save Money for Self-Sufficiency Life

    Hi, how’s your shade today? Growing up, I was always told to save money for a rainy day. But, I didn’t understand the importance of it. It wasn’t until I moved out of my parents’ house and started living on my own that I realized how crucial it is to have a financial safety net. […]

  • Celebrating my First Digital Order

    Celebrating my First Digital Order

    Hi, how’s your shade today? I recently had the immense pleasure of celebrating my first ever digital order. After six months of hard work to get  my products to market. I used various digital marketing techniques such as SEO, PPC, and social media marketing to generate leads, drive traffic and ultimately led to my first […]

  • Magenta Magic -The Color will Rock your World  2023

    Magenta Magic -The Color will Rock your World 2023

    Hi, how’s your shade today? As I sit here, surrounded by various shades of pink and red, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming year. The Pantone Color Institute has just announced that Viva Magenta will be the color of 2023 (detail at: https://www.pantone.com/color-of-the-year/2023) , and I can […]

  • Miracle Morning Routine for a Writer

    Miracle Morning Routine for a Writer

    You are not a night owl as you think… Hi, how’s your shade today? The first few weeks after I quit my day job to begin publishing content to my blog full time, I have no schedules by any means. I’ve been obsessing about days without timekeeping, I was my own boss and I could […]

  • AI Blogging Robots Can Change Your Life

    AI Blogging Robots Can Change Your Life

    The technology world is predicting even bigger strides in 2023 in the field of artificial intelligence in general and in chat-bot projects like Chat GPT in particular. The question is SHOULD we use AI to generate content for blog? Hi, how’s your shade today? Without AI-Based tools Everyone began blogging as a hobby or a […]

  • How to “Fake it ‘till you make it”

    How to “Fake it ‘till you make it”

    Have you ever heard the phrase “fake it ’til you make it”? Yeah, it was my first time too. Hi, how’s your shade today? When I was just starting set up for a new role that I’d never done before, I didn’t have complete confidence in my skills and abilities. I’m filled with self-doubt and […]

  • Powerful Techniques to Build a Reading Habit

    Powerful Techniques to Build a Reading Habit

    Hi, how’s your shade today? I used to be a big reader as a child. I would read all the time and devour books faster than anyone I knew. But as I got older, reading became more of an obligation than something that I did for fun. It was more like homework or something that […]

  • How to make your voice sharp in 2023?

    How to make your voice sharp in 2023?

    Hi, how’s your shade today? A new year is coming, it’s time to make a list of thing to do next year. On my list: It doesn’t have to be anything huge or impressive—it can be simple as kiss your hand. It’s just letting yourself feel good about something small that happened. A piece of […]

  • A simple answer for life

    A simple answer for life

    I still remember the story that my grandmother used to tell me. “Once upon a time, there was a wise man who lived in a small village. People from different parts of the world used to visit him to seek his guidance on various aspects of life. One day, a young man asked him, “What […]

  • Sweet good evening to my love!

    Sweet good evening to my love!

    I stumbled upon a box of old letters while cleaning out my closet. As I sifted through the pile of notes and cards, I came across a stack of envelops with my name written in my first love’s handwriting. My heart skipped a beat as I remembered the thrill of receiving those letters. I closed […]

  • How to let go of a past relationship?

    How to let go of a past relationship?

    When I was twenty, I loved my boyfriend very much. He was everything to me, the one person who loved me unconditionally and never let me down. I wanted to make him love me more than ever, so I worked hard to be the best version of myself. I wanted to be the kind of […]

  • Bright flashlight in my heart

    Bright flashlight in my heart

    The sun was setting. The train was getting slower and slower, the wheels clacking against the tracks as they rolled through the countryside. I leaned back in my seat, enjoying the breeze that blew past me. It was a beautiful day and I was on my way home after a long day of work. I […]

  • People see things as they are.

    People see things as they are.

    I was always the odd one out. I was different from the other kids in my class, and I never quite fit in. It was tough, and it made me feel isolated and alone. Therefore, I was a pessimist and I always saw the world as a bleak and dismal place. I was constantly criticizing […]

  • Moving out of parents house

    Moving out of parents house

    Moving out of my parents’ house was one of the most emotional experiences of my life. It was a mix of excitement, fear, and sadness. After all, I had lived with my parents for my entire life, and the thought of leaving them behind was daunting. The day I left I remember the day I […]