How to Adopt a Cat for the First Time: A Guide for New Cat Owners

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How to Find a Reputable Shelter or Rescue Group

If you have decided that you want to adopt a cat, the first step is to find a reputable cat shelter or rescue group near you. You can start by searching online on sites like or, No Kill Network , which let you browse through thousands of cats available for adoption in your area. You can also ask your friends, family, or veterinarian for recommendations or referrals.

Once you have found a shelter or rescue group that you like, you should visit their website or call them to learn more about their adoption process and requirements. Some things you might want to ask are:

  • What are the adoption fees and what do they include?
  • How do they screen potential adopters and what documents do they require?
  • How do they evaluate the health and behavior of their cats?
  • Do they spay/neuter and vaccinate their cats before adoption?
  • Do they offer any post-adoption support or services?

After you have gathered all the information you need, you should fill out an adoption application and submit it to the shelter or rescue group. They will review your application and contact you if they approve it. They may ask you a series of questions to determine your eligibility for cat adoption. This is a good thing.

How to Choose the Right Cat for You

The next step is to meet the cats available for adoption and choose the one that matches your personality and lifestyle. You should visit the shelter or rescue group in person and spend some time with different cats to see how they interact with you and each other. You should also ask the staff or volunteers about each cat’s history, temperament, preferences, and needs.

Some things you might want to consider when choosing a cat are:

  • Age: Kittens are cute and playful, but they also require more attention, training, and socialization than adult cats. Adult cats are usually more calm and settled, but they might have some behavioral issues or health problems that need special care.
  • Gender: Male and female cats have different characteristics and behaviors that might affect your preference. For example, male cats tend to be more outgoing and adventurous, while female cats tend to be more independent and territorial.
  • Breed: Different breeds of cats have different physical traits and personalities that might appeal to you. For example, long-haired cats are more fluffy and cuddly, but they also need more grooming and shedding than short-haired cats. Siamese cats are more vocal and active, while Persian cats are more quiet and laid-back.
  • Personality: Cats have different personalities that range from shy and timid to friendly and outgoing. You should look for a cat that matches your energy level and expectations. For example, if you want a cat that will cuddle with you on the couch, you might not want a cat that is too aloof or independent.

Once you have chosen your cat, you should finalize the adoption process by signing the adoption contract and paying the adoption fee. The shelter or rescue group will provide you with the cat’s medical records, microchip information, and any other relevant documents. They will also give you some advice and tips on how to care for your new cat and make the transition easier for both of you.

How to Prepare for Your New Cat

Before you bring your new cat home, you should prepare your home and yourself for their arrival. Here are some things you should do:

  • Cat-proof your home: A new cat will quickly teach you not to leave things lying out. You should get rid of any items that your cat might chew on, swallow, or scratch, such as wires, cords, plants, or medications. You should also secure any windows, doors, or cabinets that your cat might escape from or get into trouble with.
  • Buy the necessary supplies: You should stock up on at least 7 essential supplies bellow:

1. Cat Carrier

2. Litter Boxes

3. Food & Water Bowls

4. Cat Trees, Scratchers

5. Cat Toys

6. Cat Beds

  7. Collars

8. Food

  • Set up a safe room: You should set up a safe room where you can keep your new cat for the first few days or weeks until they get used to their new surroundings. The safe room should be a small and quiet room where your cat can feel comfortable and safe. It should have all the supplies they need, such as food, water, litter box, scratching post, toys, and bed. It should also have some hiding places where your cat can retreat if they feel scared or overwhelmed.

How to Welcome Your New Cat

The different between cats and dogs is: dogs work hard to win our trust. But with cats, we have to strive for it. This is the rule you need to follow if you are completely new to cats.

When you bring your new cat home, you should slowly follow these steps to welcome them:

  • Keep them in the carrier until you reach the safe room: You should keep your new cat in the carrier until you reach the safe room where you have prepared everything for them. This will help them feel more secure and prevent them from running away or hiding in an unfamiliar place.
  • Open the carrier door and let your cat come out on their own: You should open the carrier door and let your cat come out on their own pace. You should not force them out or pick them up. You should give them some time and space to explore their new room and get familiar with their new environment.
  • Offer them some treats and toys: You should offer your new cat some treats and toys to make them feel more comfortable and happy. You should also talk to them softly and gently to reassure them that you are friendly and trustworthy. You should not overwhelm them with too much attention or noise. You should let them set the pace for the interaction and respect their boundaries.
  • Visit them regularly: You should visit your new cat regularly in their safe room to check on them and bond with them. You should spend some time with them every day, playing, grooming, or cuddling with them. You should also monitor their eating, drinking, and litter box habits to make sure they are healthy and adjusting well.
  • Introduce them to other pets and family members gradually: If you have other pets or family members in your home, you should introduce them to your new cat gradually and carefully. You should not rush the introduction or force them to interact.

Useful Tips

  • Keep your new cat and other pets separated for the first few days or weeks, and let them smell each other through a closed door or a baby gate.
  •   Swap their bedding, toys, or litter boxes to let them get used to each other’s scents.
  •   Feed them on opposite sides of the door or gate to create positive associations with each other’s presence.
  •   Supervise their first face-to-face meeting in a neutral area, and keep them on leashes or harnesses if necessary.
  •   Reward them with treats and praise for any calm and friendly behavior, and separate them if they show any signs of aggression or fear.
  •   Keep your new cat and young children separated for the first few days or weeks, and teach your children how to behave around cats.
  •   Explain to your children that cats are sensitive and need gentle handling, and that they should not chase, grab, or pull their tails or ears.
  •   Show your children how to pet, play, or hold your cat properly, and always supervise their interaction.
  •   Reward your children with treats and praise for any respectful and kind behavior, and correct them if they are rough or rude.

How to Care for Your New Cat

Once your new cat has settled in their new home, you should continue to care for them and make them happy. Here are some things you should do:

  • Feed them a healthy diet: You should feed your cat a healthy diet that meets their nutritional needs. You should choose a high-quality cat food that is appropriate for their age, breed, and health condition. You should also provide them with fresh water at all times. You should avoid giving them human food, milk, or bones, as they can cause digestive problems or choking hazards.
  • Keep their litter box clean: You should keep your cat’s litter box clean and fresh by scooping it daily and changing it weekly. You should also have one more litter box than the number of cats you have, and place them in different locations around your home. You should avoid using scented litter or deodorizers, as they can irritate your cat’s nose or lungs.
  • Groom them regularly: You should groom your cat regularly by brushing their fur, trimming their nails, cleaning their ears, and brushing their teeth. This will help prevent mats, tangles, infections, dental problems, and hairballs. You should also check your cat for fleas, ticks, or wounds, and take them to the vet if you notice anything unusual.
  • Provide them with enrichment: You should provide your cat with enrichment by giving them toys, scratching posts, cat trees, windowsills, or tunnels. This will stimulate their senses and keep them entertained. You should also play with your cat every day to exercise their body and mind. You should avoid leaving your cat alone for too long, as they can get bored or lonely.
  • Take them to the vet regularly: You should take your cat to the vet regularly for check-ups, vaccinations, spay/neuter surgery, microchipping, and any other medical needs. This will help prevent diseases, parasites, injuries, or behavioral problems. You should also keep a record of your cat’s medical history and contact information of your vet.


Adopting a cat for the first time can be an exciting and rewarding experience that can change your life for the better. However, it also requires some preparation, responsibility, and commitment. By following this guide, you can make sure that you are ready to adopt a cat for the first time and that you can provide them with a loving and happy home.

Are you ready to adopt a cat? What are you waiting for? Go ahead and make a difference in a cat’s life today!

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