A simple answer for life

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I still remember the story that my grandmother used to tell me.

“Once upon a time, there was a wise man who lived in a small village. People from different parts of the world used to visit him to seek his guidance on various aspects of life. One day, a young man asked him, “What is the simple answer for life?”

The wise man smiled and took the young man to a nearby river. He asked him to observe the water flowing from one end to another. The young man watched the water for a while and then asked, “What does this have to do with the answer for life?”

The wise man replied, “Life is like a river. It flows continuously, and you cannot stop it. Sometimes it may be calm, and at other times it may be rough. But just like how the river flows, life too must go on. You must learn to adapt to every situation and keep moving forward.”

The young man nodded, and the wise man continued, “Just like how the river has different paths to follow, life too has different paths. Sometimes you may come across obstacles, but you must find a way to overcome them. And just like how the river merges with the sea, you too must learn to let go of things that do not serve you and move towards your ultimate goal.”

The young man understood what the wise man was trying to convey. From that day on, he followed the simple answer for life – to keep moving forward, adapt to every situation, overcome obstacles, let go of things that do not serve him, and move towards his ultimate goal.”

Until now, I was able to completely comprehend the story’s meaning.

Finding a simple answer for life is not about searching for a magic formula or a secret key. It’s about embracing the journey, being present in the moment, and living life to the fullest.

Today, I wake up every morning with a renewed sense of purpose. I appreciate the beauty of life, the people I love, and the opportunities that come my way. I don’t worry about the future or dwell on the past. I live in the present moment, and it’s the best decision I’ve ever made.

So if you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed, remember the story of young man and wise man.

Hope you found this post inspiring!

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