How to let go of a past relationship?

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When I was twenty, I loved my boyfriend very much. He was everything to me, the one person who loved me unconditionally and never let me down. I wanted to make him love me more than ever, so I worked hard to be the best version of myself. I wanted to be the kind of person that could give him everything he needed in life and more.

But one day when I came home from work, he was not there. The house was dark, quiet. It looked like an empty shell of what it used to be—like a house that had been abandoned by its owners for years on end.

He’d gone away again… this time for good.

I cried myself to sleep that night and woke up with a start the next morning. It was still dark outside; the sun wasn’t even up yet! I checked my watch: 5:30am! He would usually call by now if he was going anywhere—he always called before he left town!

But there was no call from him today either… nothing at all!

I began getting frantic; I couldn’t believe that my lover would leave me like this! What was I going to do? How could he just leave me here, all alone in this big house? I started thinking about the things we had done together—all those sweet little moments that seemed so long ago now. And then it hit me: the dreams! They were coming back again! The nightmares about my past life… about what happened to me before I came to this town—and how much it had changed my life forever.

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