Miracle Morning Routine for a Writer

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morning routine
You are not a night owl as you think…

Hi, how’s your shade today?

The first few weeks after I quit my day job to begin publishing content to my blog full time, I have no schedules by any means.

I’ve been obsessing about days without timekeeping, I was my own boss and I could make my own schedule; so I should enjoy my new freedom. Isn’t this what freelancing is all about? I’m free to go to bed then get up whenever I want. It sounds like song “It’s my life – Bon Jovi“. I really really love it!

However, I quickly realized that it was too good to be true. I did not complete any blog posts, I was constantly stressed, and it was difficult for me to really relax.

So I began to think about creating routines. And by far the most important of these routines has been my morning routine.

Well begun is half done”

Morning Working means a lot to me as a writer

I used to believe I was a night owl and used this as an excuse to work late at night.

 If I procrastinate in the morning, I feel guilty, my mood suffers, and it becomes increasingly difficult to find the motivation to begin working later in the day. On the other hand, if I have a productive morning, I usually feel good about myself. My dopamine levels are rising, I’m feeling energized, and I’m ready to take on the day. I doubt I’m a night owl. If you feel the same way, you are not a night owl as you believe.

I’ve discovered that I actually enjoy mornings since I’ve changed my sleep schedule (waking up earlier and going to bed earlier). It would take slowly shifting sleep cycle, and consistently sticking with this new sleep cycle. A helpful tip is that make sure you’re getting plenty of exposure to ambient light throughout the day, as well as limiting exposure to bright non-ambient light in the evenings.

Now, I enjoy getting out of bed. I enjoy my productive hours (8 am-11 am) in the morning.

My morning productivity hacks

So how did I create my morning routine?

Don’t start working right away. It may appear paradoxical, but believe me when I say that it will completely change the way you work.

  • First thing, I do some stretches, then take a shower.
  • Second, I make myself a cup of coffee.
  • Bonus tip: I kept a full-size mirror nearby. This one may appear strange, but it has been extremely beneficial to me. When I’m productive, I enjoy seeing myself.
  • At the start of every workday, I listen to the same song (recommend classical tunes). When I hear this song, I immediately think of work.
  • Make a list of the tasks of the day.
  • Note: Do important thing before do anything else. I write before I check social media. I write before I check the news. I even write before I check my e-mails.

I love writing on paper in the morning, simply because it allows me to write before even turning on my laptop. Writing in the early morning gives me a lot of inspiration and ideas. Of course, this isn’t always ideal. Sometimes you need to have a little faith in yourself.

The key work for the entire thing is to perform the same brief morning routine everyday. It isn’t particularly complex, but I believe that is its strength because time is everything to the writer.

Hope you found this post inspiring!

Find more helpful post at: https://theshadetoday.com/


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