How to “Fake it ‘till you make it”

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Have you ever heard the phrase “fake it ’til you make it”? Yeah, it was my first time too.

Hi, how’s your shade today?

When I was just starting set up for a new role that I’d never done before, I didn’t have complete confidence in my skills and abilities. I’m filled with self-doubt and worry that I’ll screw this up.

In 2019, I uploaded my first drawing to the internet. It took me around two years of self-study drawing before I hit the “publish” button. I was excited. However, no one liked or commented on my artwork because it was terrible. I was disappointed. As a result, I stopped drawing. I was unsuccessful.

In 2021, I resumed drawing. I started from the beginning and it took longer than usual because I took my time learning. I didn’t want to draw sleazy art ever again. This time, I didn’t stop. I kept going.

I learned from my mistakes, improved my drawing skills, shared every step with my friends, and they began to like my artwork. I took small steps, and they paid off day by day. I was just faking and acting like a real graphic designer, but I was not lying.

“Fake it” refers to test your limits and see how far you can go. It doesn’t mean lying to make people believe you are someone you’re not.

A friend once told me: “If you want to be a good baker, do what a baker would do. They bake, and you too. Fake it as if you are a real baker.”

I admit that I am afraid of being judged, but this is an opportunity for me to focus on myself learning new things, improving my skills, and putting effort into my artwork until I make it.

You should find your chance and fake it to achieve success.

I hope you found this post inspiring!

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