Powerful Techniques to Build a Reading Habit

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Hi, how’s your shade today?

I used to be a big reader as a child. I would read all the time and devour books faster than anyone I knew.

But as I got older, reading became more of an obligation than something that I did for fun. It was more like homework or something that had to be done before you could move on to more important tasks (like watching Youtube). And then, when I got my first job out of college, reading became even more of an obligation because now it was something that other people expected me to do in order for them not to think less highly of me if they saw my Instagram feed was filled with memes about Dakota Johnson’s butt or whatever.

Thankfully, though, there are ways we can get back into our childhood love of reading again (without getting too deep into the world of butt-related memes).

Motivate yourself to read more books

Back in 2021, I got into entrepreneurship, financial freedom, and so on.

However, from all the useless things that I did during that time, I came across Morgan Housel’s book “The Psychology of Money”. I could sell my soul to read this book again. I learned so much about financial advice related to savings, investment, forecasts, etc. and the psychological aspects on spending money.

That’s when I realized I was motivated to read again.

Apply what you read in real life

 Reading books is a skill. It’s not only a great way to learn new things but also a fantastic way to expand your mind, develop yourself. However, reading alone does not make you smart; it’s what you do with what you read that matters most.

Applying the knowledge or skills that you have gained from reading books is just as important as reading them. Reading books alone is not enough if you aim to improve yourself, gain experience or change your career.

If you read a book on money management, try out the tips in your daily life. If you read a book on self-improvement, see if it has any positive impact on your life or not. If the book is about productivity, then make sure that you are being productive everyday and use time wisely.

You can also get into the habit of reading books again and again because there are plenty of books available which will help you improve yourself in different aspects of life like managing money well, improving efficiency at work or managing time better etc.

Pick up a book that sparks an interest in you

The final step to reading a book more than once is to pick up a book that sparks an interest in you.

Maybe it’s the cover art that catches your eye or maybe you read the title and think, “That sounds like something I’d be interested in.” Whatever it may be, choose a book that fits into your current lifestyle as much as possible. If you’re currently pursuing further education or working towards a career change, then choose a novel related to these topics.

The best recommended books:


Reading is one of the most effective ways to improve yourself as a person, so why not start reading a book that will help you become a better person!

I hope this post was helpful!

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