How to make your voice sharp in 2023?

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Hi, how’s your shade today?

A new year is coming, it’s time to make a list of thing to do next year.

On my list:

  • write a ton
  • learn how to play guitar
  • stop being so afraid of ghosts

It doesn’t have to be anything huge or impressive—it can be simple as kiss your hand. It’s just letting yourself feel good about something small that happened.

A piece of writing makes you feel better like my life story.

A wrong path in the life

I used to work for a global corporation before becoming a writer.

My job is a supply chain executive, and what I write are emotionless emails to customers and suppliers. I dress nicely for work every day and pretend to smile at clients even though I was exhausted that day. I felt lost in the job I’d wanted since I was a student, alone in an office full of people; I have a lot to say but no one to tell it to. That’s where it all started. I needed to write. I had to write everything down.

What I write help me express myself, and at least one person in this world shares my thoughts and sympathies with me.

An odd personality

I’ve lost a lot of friends on social media because I don’t comment or like what they post.

I live alone and have odd hobbies; I enjoy gardening, and the garden has certainly carried many of my stories. When I first began writing, my mind was filled with chaotic ideas and duplicate thoughts; everything I believed in became crazy, and I was afraid that things would not go as smoothly as they had in my life.

However, my writings get a lot of sympathy from the audience, which thankfully makes my writing matters.

Write like it matters

I started writing more seriously than ever before.

It’s not just about showing off what I can do—it’s about sharing my story with others. I think that writing is a powerful thing. It can help us understand ourselves better. If you’re reading this right now and thinking: “Hey, maybe she has a point!” then do me one favor: start writing your own blog! You are free to write about anything—whatever you want! You don’t have to be an expert on anything; all you need is passion and internet. When you start your blog, try posting once per week at first—and if possible post on the same day each week so people can get into the rhythm of checking out your content regularly.

And don’t forget to write like it matters and sharpen your voice!


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